The Abingdon-Avon FFA Chapter has had a busy December and January. In December the chapter held its annual fruit sales and attended the Section 4 Dairy Foods Contest. Schuyler Emerick placed 1st overall in the novice division out of the section. So far in January the chapter has attended the Section 4 Vet Science Contest where they placed fourth as a team. Also, A-Towns Molly Bell placed 7th overall as an individual. Way to go Molly! Looking ahead the chapter will attend the Geneseo Livestock Judging contest on January 25th and on the 28th members will be going to John Deere to attend the FFA Career Workshops and Tours.
February will be a busy month for the chapter as they have the following planned:
February 5th- Farm Bureau Acquaintance Night @ Knox Co Agri Center
February 12th- Section 4 FFA Job Interview Contest & Public Speaking Contest
February 15th- Record Books Interviews
February 20th- Section 4 FFA Parliamentary Procedure Contest and Conduct of Chapter Meetings Contest
February 16-22nd- National FFA Week