A-Town wins again! They advanced to the championship and will take on the winner of Illini Bluffs and West Hancock at 9:30 tonight.

Watch the Tornadoes take on Camp Point Central live!

Awesome win over Farmington! The boys advanced to semifinals in Macomb tomorrow at 1:00.

The boys holiday tournament bracket has been posted!

Tis the season! Happy Holidays to all #atowntornadoes.

Owen was running a great seam!

Horticulture class is putting the finishing touches on their Christmas wreaths!

This is a reminder to all students and parents that we will dismiss at 2:10 tomorrow to begin winter break. Students will return to school on Wednesday, January 3!

FRAGILE!! Students working together trying to figure out what was delivered to our classroom! Will it be a leg lamp?

A little news room fun!!

Broadcast Tuesday 12-12-17

AV2 is creating 3D Hologram videos, while the Geometry class will be making the prisms. Here is an example of the collaboration. https://youtu.be/UsTF6yn7ImA

Broadcast for Monday 12-11-17

Tornadoes defeat Sherrard by a final score of 51-45.

Broadcast for Friday Dec 8, 2017

Students in Survey of Tech created gingerbread houses on a 3D computer program called, Sketchup. Today, they have to recreate their 3D drawings into real life gingerbread houses.

Here is the schedule for the Knoxville/A-Town Girls Basketball Tournament.
Sat. Dec. 9th
11:00pm Farmington Var vs. Farmington JV
12:30pm Abingdon-Avon vs. Illini Bluffs
Mon. Dec. 11th
6:00pm United vs. Farmington Var
7:30pm Farmington JV vs. Illini Bluffs
Tue. Dec. 12th
6:00pm Illini Bluffs vs. United
7:30pm Abingdon-Avon vs. Farmington JV
Wed. Dec. 13th
6:00pm Farmington Var vs. Illini Bluffs
7:30pm Abingdon-Avon vs. United
Thur. Dec. 14th
6:00pm United vs. Farmington JV
7:30pm Abingdon-Avon vs. Farmington Var
Fri. Dec. 15th
No Games
Championship Day at Knoxville
Saturday December 16th
10:00am 5th Pool A v. 5th Pool B
11:45am 4th Pool A v. 4th Pool B
1:15pm 3rd Pool A v. 3rd Pool B
3:00pm 2nd Pool A v. 2nd Pool B
4:30pm 1st Pool A v. 1st Pool B

Follow this link to see the bracket for the Beardstown Lady Tiger Classic. The Lady Tornadoes' first game is against Macomb on December 26, at 10:30 am.

Help support the High School Art Club. They are working to raise money to bring a visiting artist to the end of the year Art Show.

The broadcast for Wednesday, Dec 6, 2017.