A-Town wins again! They advanced to the championship and will take on the winner of Illini Bluffs and West Hancock at 9:30 tonight.
about 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
Watch the Tornadoes take on Camp Point Central live! https://www.youtube.com/user/WIUBroadcasting/live
about 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
Awesome win over Farmington! The boys advanced to semifinals in Macomb tomorrow at 1:00.
about 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
The boys holiday tournament bracket has been posted!
about 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
Tis the season! Happy Holidays to all #atowntornadoes.
over 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
Owen was running a great seam!
over 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
Horticulture class is putting the finishing touches on their Christmas wreaths!
over 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
This is a reminder to all students and parents that we will dismiss at 2:10 tomorrow to begin winter break. Students will return to school on Wednesday, January 3!
over 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
FRAGILE!! Students working together trying to figure out what was delivered to our classroom! Will it be a leg lamp? https://youtu.be/WKDWwINryUY
over 7 years ago, Sarah Horner
A little news room fun!! https://youtu.be/N8tAjJg0fZw
over 7 years ago, Sarah Horner
Broadcast Tuesday 12-12-17 https://youtu.be/m78eEkpbM_E
over 7 years ago, Sarah Horner
AV2 is creating 3D Hologram videos, while the Geometry class will be making the prisms. Here is an example of the collaboration. https://youtu.be/UsTF6yn7ImA
over 7 years ago, Sarah Horner
Broadcast for Monday 12-11-17 https://youtu.be/rbInbYor4js
over 7 years ago, Sarah Horner
Tornadoes defeat Sherrard by a final score of 51-45.
over 7 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Broadcast for Friday Dec 8, 2017 https://youtu.be/FiI1-Mvu3X0
over 7 years ago, Sarah Horner
Students in Survey of Tech created gingerbread houses on a 3D computer program called, Sketchup. Today, they have to recreate their 3D drawings into real life gingerbread houses.
over 7 years ago, Sarah Horner
Making Gingerbread Houses
Here is the schedule for the Knoxville/A-Town Girls Basketball Tournament. Sat. Dec. 9th 11:00pm Farmington Var vs. Farmington JV 12:30pm Abingdon-Avon vs. Illini Bluffs Mon. Dec. 11th 6:00pm United vs. Farmington Var 7:30pm Farmington JV vs. Illini Bluffs Tue. Dec. 12th 6:00pm Illini Bluffs vs. United 7:30pm Abingdon-Avon vs. Farmington JV Wed. Dec. 13th 6:00pm Farmington Var vs. Illini Bluffs 7:30pm Abingdon-Avon vs. United Thur. Dec. 14th 6:00pm United vs. Farmington JV 7:30pm Abingdon-Avon vs. Farmington Var Fri. Dec. 15th No Games Championship Day at Knoxville Saturday December 16th 10:00am 5th Pool A v. 5th Pool B 11:45am 4th Pool A v. 4th Pool B 1:15pm 3rd Pool A v. 3rd Pool B 3:00pm 2nd Pool A v. 2nd Pool B 4:30pm 1st Pool A v. 1st Pool B
over 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
Follow this link to see the bracket for the Beardstown Lady Tiger Classic. The Lady Tornadoes' first game is against Macomb on December 26, at 10:30 am. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/111LBA0hqsMm8W11S2fm3Tw_77yAJd_i-SJjlYCIyCfY/edit#gid=1986007586
over 7 years ago, Shane Gordon
Help support the High School Art Club. They are working to raise money to bring a visiting artist to the end of the year Art Show.
over 7 years ago, Melissa Fiedler
Ceramic Class Signup Sheet
The broadcast for Wednesday, Dec 6, 2017. https://youtu.be/qpsndwyGP_4
over 7 years ago, Sarah Horner