We are looking forward to seeing our students tomorrow. As a reminder, if your child has ANY of the following symptoms:
Fever (100.4°F or higher), new onset of moderate
to severe headache, shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of sense of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, muscle or body aches from unknown cause -
Please keep you your student at home. Thank you for thinking of all our students!
School Timing and Transportation Information for Monday is available here: https://www.atown276.net/article/517373
Reminder - Back Pack night for AES and AAMS students is tonight from 5-7. Come meet your teachers and explore the new layout of rooms. We're excited to see you all again!
Due to storms cross country practice is cancelled for tonight.
Avon Campus Backpack Night
Cross country/running club is cancelled for tonight.
There will be no Cross Country running club today.
August Booster Club Meeting is Wednesday, August 4 at 6:00 pm. After the meeting, we will be cleaning out the concession stands for the fall sports season.
Due to the rain, there will be no MS Cross Country today.
Due to the heat, there will be no MS Cross Country today.
No-cost Lunches today at 11-11:45 at HGS
Reminder - Walk-up lunches available at Hedding Grade School on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday (11:00-11:45) this week. Courtesy of Knox County United Way. Please use the Latimer St. entrance. The Rotary Park location is closed.
Walk-in registration will be held on August 11th from 8-4 at AES and August 12th from 11-6 at AAHS. You may register your student(s) at either location, regardless of what building in the district they will attend.
Due to the heat advisory, there will be no Cross Country running club today.
Meals moving from Rotary Park to HGS next week.
Today will be the last day for walk-up Summer Meals at Rotary Park. Starting next Tuesday - meals will be available for pick-up in front of Hedding Grade School from 11-11:45 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The meals will be served through August 5th.
Reminder: No cost lunch/breakfast pick up today 11-11:45 at Rotary Park. Walk-ups welcome.
🎙No Cost lunch pick up location moved to Pavilion at Rotary Park today 11-11:45. Due to tree trimming. Stop in and get your no-cost lunch and breakfast courtesy of Knox County United Way.
Check out some of A-town's young artists: https://www.d276.net/article/491576
TIME/DATE Change - The first AAHS Booster Club meeting of the 21-22 school year will take place on Thursday (rather than Wednesday) at 6:00 at the High School. Please use the west entry doors, we will be in the classroom on the right when you come inside. Please plan to attend, we need to make plans for next year and elect new officers!! Please share!
There will be a MS Cross Country informational meeting at AAMS at 3:00 pm on July 16th in the AAMS gymnasium. If you are unable to attend the meeting, but would like more information about the team, please email Coach Rakestraw at jrakestraw@atown276.net.