Additional Update: Tonight's varsity game will also be broadcast on WMOI 97.7 Radio. Due to cold weather concerns the start time for tonight's boys basketball game against Macomb has been moved up. The JV will tip-off at 5:30pm with the Varsity tip-off at 7pm. JV parents will be admitted into the high school starting at 5pm. JV parents will exit the high school at 6:30pm. Varsity parents will admitted into the high school at 6:45pm. Both games will be live-streamed tonight using the attached link.
🚨with winds projected through 6:00 AM and temps dropping - the morning commute is unpredictable. In order to give families a chance to plan - D276 will be in Remote Learning for Friday.
All MS practices for today are cancelled.
Now that Winter is upon us - Snow/Ice Emergency Bus Route Information:
Today Thursday February 4 is a Remote Learning Day at A-Town.
🚨Due to the unpredictable nature of today’s weather. D276 will implement a remote learning day for today (Th. 1/4). There will be no in-person. Remote learning will follow the usual remote day schedule.
AAMS Boy's Basketball and Girl's Volleyball schedules are updated under the Menu tab on the AAMS website. These dates are subject to change.
Avon Campus picture day has been rescheduled for February 16th.
🚨Avon Bus Schedule Adjustment: Due to driver shortage this AM - Bus 12 (Terry Myers) will be up to one hour late. If your student rides bus 12 and you can bring your student to school - please let the office know. The Avon-to-AAHS bus will run on time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
A-Town's.... 7th and 8th grade boys interested in basketball. We will have our 1st practice this Wednesday 1/27/21 3:30 to 5:30. We don't have a lot of details for the season, but this is a good start.
We will be practicing Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays right now. I'll see everyone Wednesday at 3:30 pm.
This week we will be practicing Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Sat (Sat 8:30-10:30am.....bus at HS at 8 am for temp checks)
ALL players and coaches MUST be in a mask.
The bus will leave the High School in Abingdon by 3:15 pm.
ALL players need to be there by 3 pm for temp checks.
We will be STARTING VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE TOMORROW! January 27!! I know this is short notice, I'm not even sure which gym we will have, but it will be in Avon. If your child has a physical on file, great we will have a waiver for them to sign that will be sent home after practice, please return that ASAP!! If your child needs a physical, please schedule one also ASAP!
So to recap:
7th/8th girls Volleyball practice
January 27 (tomorrow) 330-530
There will be a bus from AAHS at 3
And a bus back to the HS after practice
Look for and sign waivers
Schedule a sports physical if your child has not had one within this past year.
I know this is extremely short notice. Our season will be very short as we are already half way through what would be a normal season. Please send a permission slip (a note) to the school telling us you are aware your child will be attending practice and has your permission. I may have the waivers for them at the end of school tomorrow and if you are able to sign it, they can bring it with them to practice at 330.
Ms Britt.
Picture day for the Avon Campus will be rescheduled for February. Information on the new date will be sent out as soon as possible.
⛄️Day. With current conditions less than ideal on N/S country roads - and the prospects of improvement overnight unknown - D276 will not be in session on Tuesday. There will be no remote instruction.
In case you missed it....
✅ 11:30 dismissal for Today (Monday).
Make sure you have downloaded the School District App for up-to-the-minute updates.
✅ 11:30 dismissal for Today (Monday).
✅ D276 11:30 dismissal today (Monday). Both AM in-person and afternoon Remote instruction will take place. Students will receive an additional lunch and breakfast due to the possibility for severe weather through Tuesday. In the event in-person school isn’t possible on Tuesday - the district will take a “Snow day” to be made up during warmer weather.
✅ We will be watching the weather throughout the evening and early morning. If the weather interferes with morning transportation - an alert 🚨 will sent out by 6:00 AM. If we are forced to chancel in-person it will be a true snow day and there will be no remote instruction.
Avon Campus Parents - Picture day for the Avon Campus (all grade levels Pre-k through 8th) will be January 26th. Remote students can come to the AES building between 1-3 to have their pictures taken.
Reminder: D276 returns to in-person on Tuesday.
Please click on the link for a reminder of the Return to School information.