Congratulations to Mrs. Howe for being selected as the November Teacher of the Month from Abingdon-Avon Public School Foundation!
Come Join Us ...
Meet the AAMS Tornadoes tonight at 6:00 in the AAHS gym. Admission to the events will be a free will donation.
Staff joined in on the fun for Halloween too!
More Halloween fun at the Avon Campus
More Halloween fun at the Avon Campus
More Halloween fun at the Avon Campus
Halloween Fun at the Avon Campus
Here is the Link to Sign up for the A-Town School Food Pantry!
Miss Peckham turned her classroom into a 50's themed diner complete with Root Beer Floats for the 50th day of school today!
Join us Friday, November 1, at AAHS for the first AAMS Meet the Tornadoes!
There will be no Pre-K on Friday, November 1, 2024. Preschool staff will attend professional development.
Reminder: Picture retakes are on Friday, November 1, at the Avon Campus.
Due to the new gym not being completed in time, we have had to make some changes to the Hedding / AES concert schedule. Please note the date and time changes attached. All concerts will now be held in the high school auditorium.
AAMS Construction Update- the floors are going in at AAMS!
Picture Retakes at the Avon Campus are Friday, November 1, 2024.
Don't miss your last chance to see Alice in Wonderland Jr. today at 2:00 pm at AAHS!
Avon Fire Department drove the coloring contest winners to school during Fire Prevention Week.
Kiwanis Club Community Halloween Party at Hedding Grade School