Just a reminder that tomorrow is Fall picture day for AES. AAMS will be on October 11th.
Come out and support the Tornado 🏈 team at 1:00 pm. Due to last night’s weather, there will be no charge for admission.
Tonight’s high school football game has been postponed until tomorrow at 1 PM. The game will take place at Abingdon-Avon High School. 1 PM kick-off tomorrow.
If your student's plan for the parade have now changed, due to it being rescheduled for Monday, please call the AAMS or AES office by 10:00 on Monday morning. If the plans for your student have not changed, we will use the information provided on the original permission slip turned in, so you do not need to contact the school. AAMS 465-3621 AES 465-3851
RESCHEDULED: AAHS Homecoming Parade will take place on Monday Sept. 30th. Parade line-up will start at 1:00 and parade at 2:00 pm. Thank you for your understanding.
In the interest of student safety and the unpredictable weather, today’s AAHS Homecoming Parade has been postponed. Details regarding rescheduling forthcoming.
Readers Theater from Third Grade!
Third grade dynamic duos!
AES Kindergarten Dynamic Duos!!!
Forms for A-Town Traveling Basketball are being sent home today for all 3rd-5th grade students. Check your students backpack if they are interested!
AES Student Council had their first meeting today during lunch. They have so many ideas on how to make the school and community a better place!
The Avon Campus will be participating in dress-up days next week for Homecoming. Show your spirit and have a fun week celebrating Homecoming.
Monday: Pj day
Tuesday: Dynamic Duo
Wednesday: Career day
Thursday: Meme Day (MS) Crazy Sock Day (AES)
Friday: ATown Spirit
Last week third grade was booked! Someone gave us a new book and some cool items. After reading the book, we went outside and shared our chalk and bubbles with kindergarten. #atownproud #kindiscool
The custodial staff will be administering weed control treatment to the Avon Elementary/ Abingdon-Avon Middle School property on Saturday, September 21st. Pursuant to our Integrated Pest Management Policy and the Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act, you are hereby notified of the application of the weed control substance and treatment. If you have any questions, please contact the Avon Elementary School or the Abingdon-Avon Middle School.
More Dance Party Pictures!
1st Quarter Incentive Party-Dance Party 🎶💃
Kindergarten Life: What do you do at a dance party? Play “Duck,Duck,Goose” of course!!!
Our Kindergartners welcome their peers to class every day with a high-five, hug, fist bump, or a dance party! We are building relationships every day!
More awesome campaign posters from AES students!!
Third-fifth grade AES students are excited to be running for the student council!!