5th Grade band sign-ups will be on Monday, March 18th in the Avon Band Room from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Click here for more info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U5rAQJ90UN9GRxopIvfBAwVzoHbaXloVpCOEzwe_48k/edit?usp=sharing
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
PreK learned how to wash hands today with some “pretend” germs. Some of us got them all off. Some of us had to wash again. We are going to try again in a few weeks and see if we can wash better.
almost 6 years ago, Alison Darst
All clean
3D building with marshmallows and dry spaghetti in the AES Kindergarten class!
almost 6 years ago, Alicia Rogers
3D building
3D building
3D building
3D building
Dr. Curry visited us today. He even Go Noodled with us. We think he enjoyed Baby Shark the most!
almost 6 years ago, Alison Darst
Butter Braid pickup will be TOMORROW, March 6 from 3:30-4:30 pm in the Avon Elementary All Purpose Room.
almost 6 years ago, Alison Darst
Yay!! We got to play outside today!! We have missed our playground.
almost 6 years ago, Alison Darst
Playing outside
Working hard on the writing process! Way to go Hedding & AES students! #thewritetools #Atownproud
almost 6 years ago, Hayley Knuth
#thewritetools #Atownproud
#thewritetools #Atownproud
Due to the low number who RSVP’d to attend the Eureka Math Parent University tomorrow night, we will be cancelling it and reaching out to parents who registered to answer any questions they may have.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Freezing drizzle setting in over the last 20 minutes has turned many of our roads into sheets of ice. There will be no school today (2/20) in D276.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Finished off the day with a 100th day of school snack!
almost 6 years ago, Alicia Rogers
100th day activities!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Love when I catch these moments! Carter has a broken elbow that was making cutting difficult, but William stepped in to lend a hand! Love my littles!!!
almost 6 years ago, Alicia Rogers
Helping hand
Celebrating 100th day of School in AES Kindergarten !! We are 100 days Smarter 😀
almost 6 years ago, Alicia Rogers
100th day of school
100th day
100th day
It’s the 100th day of school! Some of our students have aged over night!! 🙂
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
3rd grade Valentine craft at the class party! Thanks so much mom’s!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Mahr
Reminder all Butter Braid Fundraiser Order Forms and Money are due tomorrow!
almost 6 years ago, Alison Darst
Mrs. Lozier came today and some of our friends get to take Traveling Trevor home. She also brought new books for our book folder. We love when Mrs. Lozier comes.
almost 6 years ago, Alison Darst
Due the forecast of afternoon rapid temperature drops for this area and the potential for flash freezing on untreated roads - D276 will dismiss early today 2-7-19 at 12:30pm.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
There will be no school today due to icy road conditions. Stay safe.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Due to the uncertainty of the impending ICE storm warnings - D276 will dismiss at 1:00 PM today (February 5, 2019). All after school activities are cancelled. More weather info at https://www.weather.gov/dvn/
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal