Teachers and Administrators from Myanmar visited out schools last week.

Working in groups creating a Jeopardy slide show in 4A.

We had a great time viewing all of the amazing art at the highschool on Friday!

More from the art show.

Visited the art fair today at the high school.

Chainsaw Artist Bill Baker deomstarted his art yesterday. It was chilly outside but worth it! Thanks to Dian Clark for bringing such inspirational artists to Atown! More demonstrations 5:30-7 at AAHS during the Art Fair on Friday night.

Testing the strength of eggs today! It held a 75lb student before cracking!!

K3 did an amazing job presenting their problem based inventions yesterday at HGS!

K3 Inventions. We have a lot of innovative students!!

K3 presenting inventions they created to solve a problem.

3C visited K3 and their Imvention Museum! What an awesome job K3!!!

More PARCC party fun!

Lots of fun at the PARCC party for 3rd and 4th graders.

Lots of fun at the PARCC party for 3rd and 4th graders.

4A students used there T-bucks to buy show and tell this month. Baby goats, a new puppy, and an old gaming system were a big hit with the class.

It's that time of year again!

Ready to watch The Sound Of Music!!!!

Knox County Health Dept. came to talk to 4th grade about good hygiene.

Learbing about capacity by making play dough bowls.

Happy Pi Day! 3.14