Avon Elementary School Spirit Week (Oct 4-8)
Dress-up Days:
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Beach/Tourist attire(NO Bathing suits!)
Wednesday - Hat Day
Thursday-Class Color Day Pre-K Yellow, K-Green, 1-Black
Friday- Atown Spirit Day-Wear your Tornado shirt
Reminder 11:35 dismissal tomorrow for AAHS/HGS/AES and 11:25 for AAMS.
As of today, the district has verified two COVID outbreaks that meet the IDPH criteria of at minimum of 2 linked positive cases. Outbreak number one is in 5th grade. Outbreak number two is found on Bus #2. The district, Hedding, and bus #2 will still operate daily. If you have a child that exhibits symptoms, please have them tested. We are seeing a spike in initial allergy-like symptoms that have progressed and led to COVID positive results. If you have concerns, contact your school office/nurse Monday.
D276 Board of Education passes Mask Mandate. Universal masking will be required indoors for all students, staff, and visitors beginning the morning of Friday, September 10th. More information will be shared by each school tomorrow.
D276 Board of Education passes Mask Mandate. Universal masking will be required indoors for all students, staff, and visitors beginning the morning of Friday, September 10th. More information will be shared by each school tomorrow.
Great Hedding Welcome for our 2nd-5th grade friends from Avon!!
We are looking forward to seeing our students tomorrow. As a reminder, if your child has ANY of the following symptoms:
Fever (100.4°F or higher), new onset of moderate
to severe headache, shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of sense of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, muscle or body aches from unknown cause -
Please keep you your student at home. Thank you for thinking of all our students!
School Timing and Transportation Information for Monday is available here: https://www.atown276.net/article/517373
Walk-in registration will be held on August 11th from 8-4 at AES and August 12th from 11-6 at AAHS. You may register your student(s) at either location, regardless of what building in the district they will attend.
Check out some of A-town's young artists: https://www.d276.net/article/491576
Reminder: Free meals today 11-11:45 Rotary Park
Reminder: Free lunches today 11-11:45 at Rotary Park
Reminder: Free D276 Student lunches today at Abingdon Rotary Park. 11-11:45pm. Sponsored by the Knox County United Way
The United Way will be serving free summer lunches at Rotary Park - beginning Tuesday, June 1st from 11:00am-11:45am.
The United will be serving free summer lunches at Rotary Park - beginning Tuesday, June 1st from 11:00am-11:45am.
4th Graders selected their free RIF book today.
Avon Elementary School students: Tomorrow is our next Spirit Day Friday, Future Day! Students can dress up like what they think the future will look like or what they think they will be in the future.
Thanks AES Student Council for coming up with each day!
Avon Elementary School - Kindergarten Q & A
Thursday May 6, 2021 at 4pm
See the flyer below for information on how to join!!
Thanks to the Canton Dairy Queen for donating Dillybars to the winning classes of the pet supply drive. The kids really enjoyed their treat!
Avon Elementary students: Don’t forget the next Spirit Day Friday is tomorrow! It is Animal Day. Wear an animal shirt or something with animal print. Remember no costumes!