Attending an update on the Evidence Based Model and Continuous School Improvement.

Clorox 360 Machines have FINALLY arrived. Our newest line of defense against cold and flu season. Starting the safe disinfecting tonight!

Attending a really great meeting in Macomb on Rural Education, teacher shortage, and growing the teaching profession.

Congrats to the Girls Bowling Team on their 2nd Place finish in Galesburg this past weekend!

With windchills predicted to decrease to -15 by 7:00AM and -13 by 8:00AM, D276 will be IN session today - Tuesday Jan. 16.

All District 276 Scheduled Events for 1/15 are cancelled. Check your school’s live feed for updates on make-up dates.

I watched a little of the Bowling Match on Wed. It was Sr. Day for the Boys. Congrats to Ben Stevenson, Johnathon Mason & Joshua McCune

Friday 1/12. School is IN session today.

Due to the potentially dangerous ice conditions forecast for this afternoon - the A-Town district is dismissing early. AAMS and AHS (12:30pm) AES and HGS (1:00pm). There will be no afternoon Pre-K.

Positive thought for today: “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” - K. Sedikki.

The Rushville-Industry at A-Town girls basketball game from last night that was canceled has been rescheduled to Wednesday January 31st. Game time is still 6:00 pm.

Due to the icy conditions on our country and back roads - there will be no school on Monday in AA276. Call to follow.

Cheerleaders perform at West Prairie

A-Town boys BB JV defeats West Prairie 56-38 #tornadonation #atownpride #Atown276

If you ever wanted to know what goes into making a decision on cancelling school:

Pleased to welcome Ms. Jenna Dean to the A-Town Team. She student-taught @ HGS & graduated in Dec. She is now officially a Tornado teacher

Had a chance to read this article today. Great story on one of our HS Tornadoes!

Good article on a trio of Tornado sophomores http://www.galesburg.com/sports/20180104/wci-sports-roundtable-high-impact-underclassmen

Happy to welcome Ms. Carolyn Chambers to the A-Town Team. Ms. Chambers has been student-teaching @ AAMS. She is now officially a Tornado!

The girls basketball game at Brimfield this evening has been postponed. A make up date has not been scheduled at this point.