The girls basketball game at Brimfield this evening has been postponed. A make up date has not been scheduled at this point.

As of 1:45 PM - There has been no determination regarding closing school tomorrow. Most likely, a decision will be made in the early hours of Friday morning.

Temps and windchills across different apps this morning between 6:15 am and 7:25 am.

With a forecast of -19 to -25 in the AM - with the safety of our students and staff in mind - there will be no school tomorrow. Dr. Curry

Dear Parent,
Teachers, parents, and students across Illinois will have an opportunity to participate in the sixth annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school.
All teachers and 6th through 12th grade students will be responding to this survey. 5Essentials Reports will be generated for schools if their teachers and/or students meet the response rate threshold of 50 percent. These reports will be sent to schools and districts in May 2018 and will also be included in the State School Report Card.
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be conducted until January 18, 2018. To take the survey please visit https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ and select the appropriate survey to begin. OR go to our District website www.atown276.net. Go to the District page, click on menu and go to the parent section and click on 5-essential survey.
Tina C. Stier
Curriculum Director

The Elementary staff learning about our new science curriculum.

Another tough fought win for the Tornadoes. 39-28 over Stark County.

Boys Basketball at Home tonight (12/20) vs. Stark County. JV tip-off at 6:00pm

Lady Tornadoes play @ Knoxville in the 1:15 game vs Elmwood today! Tough fought win for the boys last night @ Galva #atownproud #Atown276

Merry Christmas!

Positive Thought for Friday: The greatest gift you can give someone is ...... your time.

Reminder: Early Dismissal Friday - 2:10 pm

Atown staff learning from Rick Wormeli, an expert on Standard Based Grading

Good morning! Over the past two weeks, the students and staff at our Avon Campus and Hedding Grade School have been involved in a friendly competition for Holiday Decoration Bragging Rights! The students and staff have created some original, festive, and awesome holiday-related scenes. We were lucky enough to have four community members evaluate each building. If you are curious about who judged for us - jump on over the new district webpage and scroll through the “live feed” section - or download our new App on your smartphone. In order for all the staff and students to be able to see Dr. Curry announce the winners of the contest, he will be doing a Facebook Live session tomorrow (Friday) around 10:00 am. In the end, the students and staff have had a wonderful time collaborating and getting into the Holiday Spirit!
Have a great Thursday.

Positive thought for this morning (12/14): Be curious, not judgmental. - W. Whitman.

Starting the day w/ a cup of coffe & 2 homemade chocolate chip cookies. The cookies are a Christmas gift from a 1st grade student. So nice!

Monmouth High School Madrigal singers visit Hedding today under the direction of former Avon HS Choral Director, Mr. Kevin Ferry. (He is also the husband of our very own Mrs. Ferry in 4B)

Positive Thought for Today: Don’t look down on anyone - unless you are bending down to hlep them up.

Girls Basketball in action tonight! More games tomorrow and Thursday night!

3-4-5th Christmas Concert at our Avon Campus