Test 2. 11/28/2017

Tornado fans:
You can view all Tornado basketball games through the NFHS Network. For a subscription visit, http://www.nfhsnetwork.com/support/abingdon-high-school-abingdon-il?redir=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.nfhsnetwork.com%252Fschools%252Fabingdon-high-school-abingdon-il

Getting ready to launch the new Abingdon-Avon District website in the next 3-5 days.

Here is the Ridgewood Tourney schedule. All games are played at Alwood High School in Woodhull.
November 22nd
Riverdale vs. A-Town- 6:00
November 24th
A-Town vs. Knoxville- 6:00
November 25th
Ridgewood vs. A-Town- 7:30

Great Meeting with The Tech Department

Spending Thursday evening trying to learn the ins and outs of our new webpage.

Training for Our social media site

Presentation at NREA in Ohio

Sugar Crashes Expected - tired and cold kiddos will be seen in the halls ans classrooms. Be prepared! 🍬🍬🍬🍬

Welcome to Abingdon-Avon Dist. 276.

Great Meeting today focused on Learning how to get the most out of THRILLSHARE

Hey Teachers! Your reimbursement form is available here: http://5il.co/24th

Here is a snowman!

School is closed due to inclement weather!

This is a really long Live Feed post for the Abingdon-Avon Tornadoes as an example of this section having a longer post on display to see if the Events section adds additional events due to a taller Live Feed section box. It may be best to have 5 Live Feed posts here to avoid some white space at the bottom of the section box?

Parents: Skyward access is available here: https://skyward.iscorp.com/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wscomabingdonil/seplog01.w

Tornadoes basketball tryouts are Friday!

Notes from today's training are available here: http://5il.co/1yxr

Girls won soccer districts!

It's a great day at Abingdon-Avon!